Manage Your Classroom Library with

A new way to manage and keep track of your books and materials in your classroom library.

Made by teachers. For teachers.

Your students read your books and they use your materials.

Your students love to read books and you love giving them books to read. However, keeping track of all these books can be a hassle for many teachers. Simply, it takes too much time to keep track of each of your students and which books they borrow from you.

Many teachers fund their libraries with their own money, and when classroom assets go missing, that's money out of your pocket.


We are teachers, just like you. We understand that teaching can be expensive. That is why we strive to keep affordable and feature rich.

Easy to Use has a very intuitive design and great user experience. Easy and Simple is our goal. Plus, we have documentation and video tutorials on how to use our software. (Coming Soon)

One Book Saved and It Pays For Itself

Books can be expensive. With Classets Tracking, you'll be able to see who has a lost book checked out and recoup your loss.

Happy Teachers


School Districts



Your Time. Your Assets.

Not only is your time valuable, but so are the assets you lend your students. Let's face it, our students can be forgetful at times. Nothing is worse than a forgetful student who looses your classroom materials that you have worked hard to pay for.

With, you can track:

  • Books, Magazines, Comics, Textbooks
  • Calculators, iPads, Chromebooks, and other pieces of technology
  • Instruments, camera, and recreation equipment
  • Custom assets you define, such as pencil boxes, art kits, or whatever you may want to track can help all teachers, wether you teach 3rd grade or AP US History

All with scan of a barcode... makes it super easy to add new books to your library, and check in and out other materials from your library.

Adding books to Classets is super easy! You can use the built in search engine to search our database of over 490,000 books or manually enter in book information.

Classets makes this even easier by allowing you to scan a book's barcode on the back using your webcam or a compatible USB scanner!

After adding a new asset to your library, wether it be a book, a Chromebook, an iPad, a unique QR code is generated for it. You then print this QR code out, and stick it on the item you want to track. When your students are ready to check this item out, they simply scan the QR code on the item. It does not get easier than that.

Quickly and Easily Add Students

After adding all of the assets you would like to track to your library, you'll need to create a class within and add students to it. With, it literally cannot be any easier.

You can add students individually, or you can import a compatible CSV file with all of a students pertinent information (name and pin number).

Check It Out

Checking books and assets in and out is super simple.

When you're ready to check out, enter the check out queue. Select a student's name from the drop down, then simply scan the QR code that Classets has generated for you. Add as many items as that specific student wants to check out, then click the "check out" button.

Believe it or not, checking in books and assets is even simpler. Simply scan the QR code of a book or asset currently checked out, and Classets will perform all the heavy lifting in the background.

Insights on your library

After adding students and assets to your library, you will be able to view a detailed history of all checkouts of a specific book or asset, and see all of the books or assets a specific students has checked out.

You can also view trends such as who's checking out the most items, check out times, skill level of books being checked out, etc.

Your kids need motivation. You need a positive reward system.

We all know that it is important to get kids interested in reading early. We also all know that it can be hard to get students to participate in class. There is something about a scanner that drives kids crazy! Your students will be motivated to check out books by our super simple check out and check in process!

Consider appointing a few of your students to be your class librarian, making them responsible for checking in all returned materials and putting them back where they belong.


Team Team

Ian Thompson

CEO, Senior Engineer

Ian is currently a junior at Clemson University studying elementary education. In addition to his studies, he also develops and runs

Preston Stevenson

Cheif Data Officer

Preston serves as the Cheif Data Officer. In this role, he assists in analyzing library metadata and student trends to promote user experience.

Rylie Bowen

Social Media and Teacher Outreach

Rylie is a junior secondary mathematics education major at Clemson University. She manages our social media accounts and recruits new users to the platform.


Check our Pricing


$9.99 / year

$1.99 monthly

  • Non book assets only (calculators, Chromebooks, iPads)
  • Track up to 500 assets
  • 200 students


Contact for Pricing

  • Ideal for Schools and School Districts


Frequently Asked Questions


Check Out These Books


Yehudi Mercado

Norman Didn't Do It!

Ryan Higgins


Megan E. Freeman

Ten Thousand Tries

Amy Makechnie

*Affiliate links used.